Current projects
Photo gallery from our friend Heidi Yalunis' Hay Kanto portfolio: Heidi Yanulis (
Thank you so much, dear Heidi, for those beautiful moments you captured.
Community Arts and Science club
Formerly known as "Education Day", the Community Arts and Science clubs are our monthly Rendez-vous with our kids. Our sessions are age-and-ability sensitive (3 to 7 y/o. They are provided by volunteer teachers or educators from various backgrounds and schools. Our arts and science clubs are unique opportunities for our children to play and learn, to work on their creativity, to practice their social skills and to sharpen their critical thinking abilities among other essential competences.
Care package delivery and Relief work
Several times a year, Hay Kanto organizes care package delivery for our children's families. A care package would usually include rice, oil, sugar, milk, beans, legumes, dried fish, soap and other essential products. During the flooding season in February and March, and for safety reason, we replace our arts and science clubs with care package delivery, a way for us to check on our kids and their families during those difficult times. Natural disasters being more violent and hazardous due to climate change, Hay Kanto also provides community-scale relief work through additional care packages delivery and a small housing repairs funds for families who have been heavily affected by cyclones and floodings.
Community lunch, clothing items drive and excursions
Three times a year, as a bonding activity, Hay Kanto organizes large community lunches for the kids, their families and some of our volunteers. Thanks to a donation made by the HASH Running group, we are now fully equipped to prepare and serve meals for 200 people. Additionally, once year, before our usual annual leave, we also take the children on an excursion during which we provide warm clothes through our annual Winter clothing items drive, transportation, water, snacks, lunch.
Child and youth workers capacity building
One of Hay Kanto's goal is to support other Child and Youth workers from other organizations to develop advanced skills in Child and Youth care practice. Over the years, Hay Kanto's permanent staff has gathered extensive experiences and expertise in different areas of Child and Youth Care through world-class university trainings in the UK and the US and we look forward to cascade-sharing our knowledge with other CYC practitioners through training sessions or advisory meetings.
Would you like to support one of our programs?
At different times throughout the year, we offer a variety of care and services to our children and youth. If one or some of our past and present projects speaks to you in particular way and you would like to sponsor them, do not hesitate to reach out.
Hay Kanto still exists because our worldwide community supports us through small donations on regular basis or punctually. All you have to do is to email us at: "[email protected]" or "[email protected]". You can send us a text through the discussion box bellow as well.